Go Further with Boudoir

Do you want to see your photography business exceed your wildest expectations?

Are you ready to do the work and make your dreams a reality?

Learn the skills, strategies & tools you need to build a thriving boudoir business.

This course is your roadmap.

Do you want to see your photography business exceed your wildest expectations?

Are you ready to do the work and make your dreams a reality?

Learn the skills, strategies & tools you need to build a thriving boudoir business.

This course is your roadmap.

The Go Further course is for you if…


You’ve fallen in love with boudoir photography and you want to start building your business from the ground up with real strategies that work and are proven to be successful.



Maybe you already have a boudoir photography business. This course is for you, too. This course is here for you to perfect your processes, give you the tools to create an amazing marketing strategy and help you cut down the time you spend figuring things out to just doing what works.



If you’re offering boudoir photography on the side and you want to take the next step that you can handle right now to turn your hobby to a side hustle that gives you that creative spark, this course will help you reach that next level in a sustainable way.

No matter where you are on your boudoir photography journey, this course has something for you that will help you be in your business.


BUT, Do You Have What It Takes to Build a Successful Business?

Go Further with Boudoir

You are a talented Boudoir photographer. Your photos are stunningly intimate, delicately raw and capable of seizing a glimpse of a person’s innermost soul in a way only Boudoir photography can, in its most primal beautiful form.


While your photographs are remarkable and one of a kind, does this all mean that your Boudoir photography business is going to turn into a thriving business, one that financially support you, giving you the financial freedom that you dream of?


The answer is unfortunately no, however unfair it may sound. The fact of the matter is that most Boudoir photography businesses fizzle out or never amount to anything significant. It’s not because most Boudoir photographers can’t cut it with their photography skills, but because most Boudoir photographers miserably fail when it comes to building and running a successful business.


Go Further is an online business training course created for Boudoir photographers, by a successful Boudoir photographer turned business owner.

Through a 6-Module Online Course, Go Further teaches you everything from branding to client profiling to pricing to marketing, all online, giving you the knowledge and resources you need to convert photography skills into business success.

What’s Included

+ Bonuses!

What are you waiting for?

Can you imagine how it would be to run your own successful Boudoir Studio?

How would your business be different if you knew all the things you need to know to be successful now?


When you look back a year from now, do you want to be filled with the question of 'what if?' or would you like to be looking back with the joy of 'I'm so glad I went for it!?' It's time to Embrace your wild heart, to tune in and trust yourself. You've got this and I have the knowledge that will leave you looking back in awe at how far you've come.




A Comprehensive Online Business Training Course for Budding Boudoir Photographers
Course material re-launching January 2021


Module 1


The first few steps you take to setup your Boudoir photography business can essentially make or break your business. Here’s what you will learn in this first module.


Identifying your clientele: identify an ideal client demographic and build your photography business around it. Not the other way around!


Branding: Give your photography business an identity, a voice and personality that clients can relate to


Legal setup: The last thing you want is a popular business that doesn’t have sound legal standing. Set it up right, the first time around.


What’s in a Name: Insightful pointers on how to give your Boudoir photography business life, with a well thought out name


Website: How to setup an SEO friendly website that can bring you clients through a search engine?


Gear Matters: When it comes to Boudoir Photography, not all camera gear is created equal. Learn about dedicated gear that will translate into brilliant photography


Module 2



Your portfolio is going to be your calling card. Whether or not people choose you or another Boudoir photographer is almost entirely going to depend on the quality of your portfolio. 


Finding Models: How to find the models who will exactly portray your style of Boudoir photography, by making model calls?


Styled Sessions: Learn the art of styling. Styling can elevate your photography from very good to brilliant


Studio Set-Up: A perfect studio set-up is a critical requirement for creating beautiful Boudoir. Learn how to setup your studio to play with mood, light, décor and themes


Collaborating: What good is a portfolio that nobody sees? Learn how to collaborate with other businesses, to give your portfolio the vital exposure it needs


Module 3


Every Boudoir Photographer has a different sweet spot when it comes to pricing their products and services. Learn how to price yourself right, not low, not high, but just right.


Profitability: Your price has to be profitable. You knew that. But, you’ll be surprised at how many costs you can miss while factoring your price!


What Products to sell? The key is simplicity. Find out how a minimalistic bundling of products and services fetches you attractive and profitable prices


Module 4


When it comes to Boudoir Photography, all of your potential clients are those who are extremely active on social media. Learn social media marketing skills that allow you to quickly and efficiently find clients.

Instagram – Learn how to leverage Instagram, the #1 social media channel for Boudoir Photography customer acquisition

Facebook – If you focus on Instagram alone, you are missing out on a goldmine in Facebook, which is still the world’s largest social media network, by a longshot. Learn Facebook specific marketing techniques

Pinterest – Marketing and campaign techniques to help you tap into the world’s most popular women’s social media network

SEO – Learn how to optimize your website to help you rank for local search queries in your region, bringing customers in close proximity to you, to first your website, and then into your studio!

Blogging – Seek ideas and tips on how to start a blog, how to market it and how to use it to help market your website and studio, while also engaging your existing clients


Module 5

There’s a saying about email marketing. The money is in the list. Learn how to add subscribers to your newsletters. Remember, email subscribers are your most loyal and returning clients!


Email Automation: Learn how and what tools to use to set up your email automation


Email sequence: Find out how to sequence your emails, how to space them out and how to write to your subscribers, to enjoy a high level of engagement 


Basics of Facebook Ads: Facebook ads give you an incredible opportunity to acquire targeted exposure to your website and your email list. Learn how to attract your ideal client demographic, using Facebook’s ad filters.


Module 6

Follow along with Samantha Grant as she goes through creating a Facebook Ad step-by-step.


Bonus Section!


The world’s greatest photographers have immense clarity on their style and voice. You must know what your style is and what it stands for. Go Further with Boudoir gives you the insights you need to find and identify your style, a discovery that can only come from a guided understanding of your own talent and attitude towards photography.


Boudoir Photographer…



Are You Trying to Start a Boudoir Business from scratch, Scale your existing Boudoir Business or Earn an Extra Income?


Go Further - Gets You There

The Comprehensive Online Boudoir Photography Business Training Course





All of this for only $247 USD!

Re-launching soon!



“One doesn’t stop seeing. One doesn’t stop framing.

It doesn’t turn off and turn on. It’s on all the time.”


About Jasmin


Hi! My name is Jasmin Jade-- the owner of Sugar & Lace Studio and Embrace Presets. I am artist, mom, and wife and an award-winning photographer. I have found my calling as a boudoir photographer.

Boudoir speaks to me.

I love showcasing the beauty that resonates from deep within.


I married a military man which means we’ve lived in multiple different cities in our years together. Other than a growing portfolio, each time we moved I had to essentially ‘start from scratch’ in a new city as a photographer. Each time we settled into a new home I would start again, but with the knowledge from the last venture. Each time the process went smoother and soon enough, launching a boudoir biz came naturally.

I’m taking all of this knowledge and giving it to you-- because starting from scratch is intimidating and there are proven ways to make each learning curve a little less of a mountain and more of a gentle wave. Educating photographers has become a new passion as I’ve realized how valuable my learned information is. I can’t wait to work with you.

Frequently Asked Questions